We are Les Tisseuses de Soi

The Weavers of Self - from Paris to everywhere

Our story

Weaving together since 2023

Imagine meeting your future self, discovering the choices you've made and the consequences they've had on your life. You could see the challenges you've overcome, the opportunities you've seized and the people you've met. You could draw inspiration from your future self to make more informed decisions and get closer to the life you want to lead.

Well... that's what happened to us. We're here thanks to the magic of life. In 2023, our paths crossed, and what began as a series of shared laughs as we counted our synchronicities, became a joint project driven by our shared passion for people, innovation and creativity. Each of us has worked in these fields, and our experience now inspires us to offer programs in the truest sense of the word: spaces for re-creation, to weave our stories and those of the people who cross our path. On the weaving of their lives.

We understood that these crossings are by no means coincidental, which is why the image of the weavers so aptly represents our proposal: weaving is a textile production process in which two distinct sets of threads are interwoven to form a fabric. The method by which these threads are woven together influences the characteristics of the fabric. The same is true of our self.

So, are you ready to embark on a fascinating journey towards your future self? 
Write your awesome label here.
Jimena Martinez

Life is too short to keep what doesn't bring you joy.

Jimena is a psychologist whose life has been steeped in the world of architecture and design. This varied background has enabled her to observe innovation from a human perspective for over 25 years. Her passion for understanding people and her creativity combine to inspire creative teams through socio-cultural trend studies.

Her listening and analytical skills, as well as her intuition, enable her to instantly grasp the state of mind of a group or an individual, and direct them towards different perspectives that help them choose and act.
Her trademark is the excitement of exploration; with her, we understand that the journey never ends where our habits would have us believe.
Her mantra: "explore, then create"!

For Jimena, personal development parallels a process of innovation: exploring, changing points of view, devising scenarios, and living experiences with an open mind are essential to allow life to surprise and fulfill us.
Malika Mezaoui

Life's experiences always make you grow.

With more than 25 years' experience in the digital sector, Malika stands out for her ability to manage hundreds of projects, always focusing on the teams responsible for their realization. Her core values - altruism, fun, trust and commitment - shaped her career early on and have become the backbone of her consulting business.
In 2022, Malika chose to devote herself to her passion for quantum physics and neuroscience, with the ambition of helping people heal their mental wounds, directly impacting their physical well-being, without the constraints of long traditional therapy.

She combines these approaches with her talent for mediumship to guide individuals and groups towards rapid and lasting transformation.
Recognized for her ability to forge strong bonds, she embodies the essence of community, ensuring exceptional cohesion and functionality within the projects she guides. A true revealer of talent and potential, she acts as a guide through the complexities of life, combining her subtle connections and corporate rigor to lead toward discernment.

Comparing her life strategy to a corporate strategy is not far off the mark for Malika. She is a bridge between the individual and the collective, encouraging everyone to find their place within the greater whole, while remaining authentic.